Christian Chefs International - Christian Culinary Academy
2024-2025 Academic Calendar

08.09.24Application Deadline*
08.15.24Enrollment Deadline
09.27.24Check-In, 2-4pm
09.27.24Orientation, 4pm (families welcome)
09.28.24Orientation, all day (students only)
11.28.24-12.01.24Thanksgiving Break**
12.20.24-01.05.25Christmas Break**
04.18.25-04.21.25Easter Break**
05.09.25Graduation Ceremony, 1pm***
05.10.25Check-Out, 11am
* Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, APPLY NOW, as there may not be any spots left by the official "Application Deadline".
** Students are allowed to stay on-campus during Thanksgiving & Easter Breaks, but not Christmas Break. CCA offers a shuttle to get to school the first time. After this students may carpool or take the Amtrak bus service, which departs from Cannon Beach.
*** Official certificates are presented after completion of the 12-week summer internship.
Note: This calendar does not have every event on it (such as required field trips). Students will be given a detailed course calendar upon arrival.

For more details about the Christian Culinary Academy:

Masterful Chef-Instructors ~ Close Community ~ Inspirational

Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. -1 Cor 10:31 ESV

Contact Us
Phone: 503.794.4083
Mailing Address: PO Box 1484, Cannon Beach, Oregon 97110-1484
Street Address: 289 N Spruce St., Cannon Beach, Oregon

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© 1998-2024 Christian Chefs International & Christian Culinary Academy